Gender-Affirming Laser Hair Removal for Transgender People

Whether genderqueer, genderfluid, nonbinary, or transitioning between genders, you may need gender-affirming hair removal solutions to match your ideal aesthetic.

To help you make an informed choice, this article discusses how to get rid of hair in unwanted places, the best methods of permanent hair removal, gender-affirming hair removal for transgender folks, and more.

How to Get Rid of Facial Hair and Body Hair for Gender-Affirming Care  

Many hair removal methods are available on the market, but they all have pros and cons. The effects of temporary methods like shaving, waxing, and epilation aren’t permanent, and the hair will grow back. So, you’ll have to endure the discomfort and keep spending time and money to maintain the effects of hair removal.

Permanent hair removal methods like laser and electrolysis might be more expensive, but they’re a long-term investment and can help you gain your desired results. Laser treatment is rapid and effective in most cases and makes new hair grow thinner and finer. It can also be complemented with electrolysis, which treats each hair follicle individually for complete and permanent hair removal.

How Laser Hair Removal for Transgender People Works

Laser hair removal is a simple but effective procedure for transgender clients. In areas of unwanted hair growth, a high-heat laser beam is sent through the skin using a specialized laser with advanced technology.

When this light beam reaches the problematic hair follicles, it becomes absorbed and permanently damages the follicle, preventing it from growing.

Because this process only impacts actively growing hair, you may require multiple sessions to achieve your ideal results, as not all hair in a particular area grows simultaneously. The number of sessions also depends on other factors, such as the thickness of your hair growth, your hair and skin type, and the area being treated.

Is Laser Hair Removal Painful?

Laser hair removal is not particularly painful. However, it can be uncomfortable and feel like a mild sunburn. Because it involves high-heat laser beams, you could experience discomfort like being snapped with a rubber band.

After the procedure, you may develop temporary side effects like redness, irritation, or tenderness. But these symptoms will soon go away.

Other factors that can affect your laser hair removal experience include:

  • Your pain tolerance
  • The body of the part undergoing treatment — hair removal in sensitive areas with thin skin like the underarms, face, and Brazilian or bikini line can be more painful than the legs and arms.
  • Your body’s sensitivity to pain

What to Expect With Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal is a safe and effective way to permanently reduce hair growth and prevent the re-growth of treated hair follicles. It is particularly effective in getting rid of a men’s beard on your cheeks and chin and looking more feminine. It can also decrease the need for daily grooming and ensure long-lasting skin smoothness.

Laser hair removal typically requires four to six sessions spread out over six to eight weeks for optimal results.


What is the best hair removal method for transgender people?

Studies show that compared with electrolysis, laser hair removal is more efficient because it involves shorter and fewer sessions to complete the treatment.

Other advantages of laser hair removal include:

  • Less pain
  • Easier to tolerate
  • Less expensive in the long run
  • Most suitable for dark genital hair

Should transgender people get laser or electrolysis?

According to the Food and Drug Administration, laser hair removal is considered a permanent hair reduction procedure, whereas electrolysis is regarded as a permanent hair removal procedure.

Laser is best suited for dark hair. It’s faster, shorter, and cheaper than electrolysis.

Electrolysis involves using a small current delivered through a probe into the hair follicle for hair removal. It’s much slower and more expensive than laser but is suitable for all hair types.

For people getting gender-affirming bottom surgery, electrolysis is considered the standard of care. An ideal combination would be first to undergo laser, followed by electrolysis if you have dense hair growth.

How do transgender people get rid of body hair?

Many hair removal methods exist depending on individual requirements.

Temporary methods include:

  • Shaving
  • Waxing
  • Epilation

Permanent methods include:

  • Laser
  • Electrolysis

Why Choose Laser By Monica 

Laser By Monica uses advanced QUANTA lasers that apply the latest technology for transgender hair removal in NYC. We prioritize your comfort while catering to your specific hair removal needs.

Visit our blog for more helpful information, the latest laser hair removal technology updates, and exciting tips.

Even better, if you’re looking for laser hair removal in Manhattan or permanent hair removal in New York, schedule an appointment today for a personalized experience.

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